Thursday, 03 May 2012 17:27

510th Chronology

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  • 1 Mar 1943 Upon activation, the squadron drew 14 officers and 60 enlisted men from an existing squadron at Drew Field, Fla. Several men departed immediately for Nashville, Tenn., to demonstrate A-24 Dive-bombing techniques; others began dive-bombing and gunnery training
  • 1 Apr - 1 May 1943 Squadron trained for two weeks at the AAF School of Applied Tactics, Orlando, Fla., and then at Gainesville, Fla., on maneuvers
  • 1 May - 13 Sep 1943 Trained in A-24s and after August, in P-39s. Took part in aerial demonstrations at Maxton, NC, Sarasota, Fla.l, and Langley Field, VA. Strength increased to 290 men (278 enlisted and 12 officers)
  • 13 Sept 1943 - 25 Jan 1944 Operated from Walterboro Army Air Field, SC, in advanced dive and skip bombing, ground and aerial gunnery, and ground training
  • 17 - 21 Oct 1943 Simulated combat against a Navy landing force in the area of Langley Field, VA
  • 12 Nov 1943 First casualties. Two pilots killed when their P-39s collided during training maneuvers
  • 20 Nov 1943 Converted to P-47 aircraft
  • 1 - 26 Jan 1944 Flew numerous escort and intercept missions from home field and Bushnell field, FL, operating for first time under complete guidance of ground controllers
  • 26 Jan 1944 Flying training stopped. Unit began preparing for overseas move
  • 14 - 15 Feb 1944 Moved to Camp Shanks, NY, for final overseas processing
  • 27 Feb - 6 Mar 1944 Transported to Liverpool, England, aboard S.S. Mauretania
  • 7 Mar - 10 Apr 1944 Aircrews trained at Christchurch, England, to familiarize themselves with Ninth Air Force procedures
  • 11 Apr 1944 First operational mission -- a fighter sweep over the northwest coast of France
  • 11 Apr 1944 - 8 May 1945 World War II combat missions included fighter sweeps, escort, dive-bombing, strafing, patrolling, and ground support missions. Lost about 20 aircraft as result of enemy action. Claimed Destruction
  • 15 May 1944 First loss on a combat mission: pilot bailed out near Breskens, Holland, when his P-47 lost power
  • 6 - 10 Jun 1944 Flew patrol over English Channel during the Normandy invasion
  • 10 - 30 Jun 1944 Flew Dive-bombing, skip bombing, armed reconnaissance, and strafing missions in the beachhead area
  • 10 Jun - 5 Aug 1944 As an element of IX Tactical Air Command, the 510th supported elements of the US First Army
  • 20 Jun 1944 First encounter with an enemy plane. The Fw 190 was frightened away with no exchange of gunfire
  • 22 Jun 1944 Three Me 109s were encountered in the Cherbourg area, one was shot down. One P-47 collided with the enemy plane and was lost. Lt. Boleslaw Kociencki became the first member of the 510th killed in action
  • 22 Jun 1944 An advance echelon departed Christchurch to establish a new squadron facility in the invasion area, at Picauville, France
  • 29 Jun 1944 Lt. Arthur F. Williams was killed, and two other squadron pilots severely injured, by an exploding bomb. A plane of another unit had crashed on take-off, and the officers were attempting to keep civilians away from the danger area
  • 12 Jul 1944 Squadron began operating from Picauville
  • 25 Jul 1944 When one P-47 had an armed bomb hung under it's wing and could not shake it loose, another 510th pilot eased up and nudged the bomb loose with his plane's wing tip
  • 27 Jul 1944 Lt Col B.F. Parcell, Squadron Commander, was killed while flying armed reconnaissance near Coutances, France. Injured by the flak which crippled his plane, the officer could not jump
  • 5 Aug1944 - 8 Feb 1945 As an element of XIX Tactical Air Command, the 510th supported elements of the US Third Army
  • 16 Aug 1944 An advance party moved to St. Dizier, France, to establish a new squadron facility
  • 11 Sep 1944 All squadron aircraft moved to St. Dizier
  • 12 Sep 1944 One P-47 shot down during a general dogfight with 20 me 109s. Six of the enemy planes went down
  • 22 Sep 1944 Used napalm bombs for the first time
  • 8 Oct 1944 Cooperated with the XII corps east of Nancy, breaking up a projected counter-attack by striking a column of enemy vehicles and several troop concentrations. The corps reported that these attacks made possible to capture of 2,500 German prisoners with practically no Allied losses
  • 17 Nov 1944 Capt C.A. Appel, Squadron Commander, was shot down over Berthelmingen while on a strafing mission. He was seen to bail out over enemy territory
  • 19 Jan 1945 Maj C.V. Knisley, Squadron Commander, was shot down by flak over Tandel, on the Luxembourg-German border. He jumped at about 50 feet, but his parachute did not have time to open
  • 5 - 8 Feb 1945 Moved to Ophoven, Belgium, on very short notice
  • 8 Feb - 8 May 1945 As an element of XXIX Tactical Air Command, the 510th supported elements of the US Ninth Army
  • 16 Feb 1945 On missions, the 510th netted 50 locomotives, 94 freight cars, 10 passenger cars, 6 motor transports, 2 car sheds, and 1 switch tower destroyed, plus a large number of the same objectives damaged. One plane was shot down by flak over Solinger, Germany. Lt N.C. Vogel was captured
  • 8 Mar 1945 After attacking barges on the Rhine River and barrage balloons over German cities, the 510th encountered about 20 Me 109s and some Fw 190s. Three enemy planes were destroyed and one damaged at the cost of one damaged P-47
  • 23 - 27 Apr 1945 Moved to Kitzinger, Germany
  • 8 May 1945 Last WWII mission was an air patrol over prisoner of war camp
  • 13- 14 May 1945 Moved to a field at Straubing, Germany, most personnel airlifted in a C-47 the 510th had acquired a few days earlier. The grass airstrip, hangers, and other buildings at the field were in excellent condition
  • 6 Jul 1945 Moved to Reims, France, on orders to proceed to the pacific area about Sep 1945. Many personnel remained at Straubing and were absorbed in another unit
  • 25 Aug 1945 Movement orders were changed, and the 510th was directed to return to the US for inactivation. Personnel strength had declined to a small number
  • 15 - 26 Oct 1945 Returned to US aboard USAT George Washington
  • 27 Oct 1945 Inactivated at Camp Kilmer, NJ
  • 1 Dec 1952 Activated at Godman AFB, KY, assuming personnel and F-47's of a national guard squadron being released from active duty
  • 17 Apr 1953 Moved to Langley AFB, VA, and immediately began converting to F-84 aircraft
    May 1953 - Dec 1954 Participated in numerous joint exercises and maneuvers with Army Forces; flew aerial demonstrations, fly-bys, and practice bombing and gunnery missions in many parts of the nation
  • 24 Jan - 25 Feb 1955  Deployed to George AFB, California to Participate in project "Tea Pot"
  • 1 Feb - 1 Apr 1955 Staged from George AFB, CA, operating over the Nevada Test Site and Camp Mercury, NV, during atomic testing
  • 9 Mar 1955 Lt Col Robert R. Scott, Squadron Commander, established a new speed record for a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to New York. Refueled in the air twice, the F-84F Thunderstreak made the 2,445-mile trip in 3 hours, 44 minutes, and 53 seconds, averaging 649 miles per hour
  • 1 May 1955 Demonstrated Low Angle Bombing techniques at Eglin AFB, FL, in the first large public demonstration of this procedure
  • Jul 1955 Four major accidents cost the 510th three F-84Fs and one pilot. All planes were temporarily grounded for a week until mechanical problems were investigated
  • 28 Mar - 30 Apr 1955 Bombing and gunnery practice at Wendover AFB, Utah
  • 7 - 10 May 1956 Planes were deployed to Bermuda and back during a training exercise. Flew 58 sorties, hitting 38 simulated targets, during the test of readiness and mobility
  • 29 Sep 1956 - May 1957 Converted to F-100D Supersabre aircraft
  • 1 Jul - 10 Aug 1957 Operated from Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC, while Langley AFB's runways were being repaired
  • 6 Jan 1958 Began preparing for inactivation
  • 15 Apr 1958 Strength reduced to 1 officer and 1 airman
  • 9 Apr 1959 Activated at Clark AB, Philippine Islands, assuming personnel and F-100 aircraft of an inactivated unit. Squadron mission was to help provide air defense of the Philippines and to conduct contingency operations and maneuvers throughout Southeast Asia. Became immediately involved in support of a fighter weapons conference of 11 Southeast Asia nations, sponsored by the Philippine Air Force and Thirteenth Air Force, which commenced 24 April and involved two weeks of conferences and exercises
  • 18 Jun 1959 Lost an F-100 when it went into a spin during a training mission over Crow Valley bombing range, P.I. The pilot could not regain control, and received lacerations and a spinal injury while ejecting
  • 1 - 8 Jul 1959 Deployed at Chai-Yi Air Base, Taiwan. Flew 309 training sorties
  • 2 - 12 Nov 1959 Deployed at Chai-Yi AB, Taiwan. Flew 186 sorties on dive and skip bombing, strafing, and rocketry missions, as part of a mobile strike force exercise
  • 8 Jul 1960 One F-100 and pilot were lost in a crash which occurred during a skip-bombing run on Crow Valley Bombing Range, P.I.
  • 1 - 5 Mar 1961 Six F-100s support an exercise in Thailand, operating from ban Takhli
  • 1 Apr - 30 Jun 1961 Part of the 510th Squadron was deployed at Tainan AB, Taiwan
  • 16 Apr - 18 Jun 1961 Six F-100s were deployed at Don Muang AB, Thailand
  • 11 May - 8 Jun 1962 Entire squadron deployed at Bangkok and Takhli AB, Thailand, due to Pathet Lao insurgent attacks near the northern border of Thailand, from Laos
  • 19 - 29 Sep 1962 Four planes, nine crews, and ground crews were deployed at Tengah AB, Singapore, hosted by RAF squadrons
  • 20 Nov 1962 Two F-100s of the 510th were lost and one pilot was killed in a collision during night formation training
  • 21 - 26 Feb 1963 Seven planes, nine crews, and ground crews were deployed at Kung Kuan AB, Taiwan, in support of a joint US-Chinese Nationalist exercise
  • 18 - 27 Oct 1963 Deployed 8 planes and 10 aircrews at Kung Kuan AB, Taiwan, to participate in another Chinese Nationalist-US joint exercise
  • Jan - 15 mar 1964 Prepared to move to US but remained on combat ready alert status
  • 16 - 18 mar 1964 Personnel granted extensive leave. Many new men joined squadron, and general training was conducted to meet new wing's requirements
  • 1 May - 30 Jun 1964 Aircrews of the 510th spent 1,777 man-days TDY on nine separate commitments, supporting exercises and general operations in Thailand, Laos, and various parts of the US
  • 5 - 21 Aug 1964 Six planes and aircrews (joined later by three more) were deployed with a Composite Air Strike Force, going first to Clark AB, PI, then to Takhli AB, Thailand, during the Gulf of Tonkin Crisis
  • 4 - 11 Sep 1964 Remaining aircrews deployed to Nellis AFB, NV, for weapons certification, qualifying in strafing and in delivery of napalm and special weapons
  • 2 - 5 Oct 1964 Operated from Cannon AFB, NM, during threat to England AFB by Hurricane Hilde
  • 15 Oct - 15 Nov 1964 Supported an Army exercise at Fort Leonard Wood, MO
  • 29 Nov - 14 Dec 1964 Deployed at McCoy AFB, FL, for night qualification training in low level navigation, bombing, and strafing
  • 19 - 21 Apr 1965 Placed third in TAC fighter competition at Eglin AFB, FA, dropping napalm and 750-pound bombs in 12 sorties
  • 5 - 7 May 1965 Squadron (less aircraft) deployed to Clark AB, PI, where it received 18 F-100s left there by another TAC rotational unit.
  • 8 May - 16 Aug 1965 Operated from Clark AB, but maintained 4 planes on constant alert at Taiwan Air Stations, Taiwan, rotating crews weekly. Furnished varying numbers of planes, aircrews, and ground crews for use by other squadrons in Vietnam combat operations
  • 17 - 21 Aug 1965 Returned to home base (England AFB), flying 13 F-100s back to the US
  • 9 - 11 Sep 1965 Operated from Cannon AFB, NM, during threat of Hurricane Betsy in the Louisiana area
  • 7 - 10 Nov 1965 Moved to Bien Hoa AB, Republic of Vietnam, with 24 F-100s
  • 11 Nov 1965 Received theater indoctrination
  • 12 Nov 1965 Flew first combat sorties
  • 12 Nov - 31 Dec 1965 Flew 969 combat sorties. Ground fire damaged 11 planes, but none were lost
    1 Jan - 30 Jun 1966 Flew 3,421 combat sorties (close support, air cover, chase, and other missions). Ground fire damaged aircraft 56 times
  • 13 Jan 1966 General Hunter Harris, Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Air Forces, visited Bien Hoa AB to present the 3rd Wing and it's units -- including the 510th Squadron -- the Air Force Outstanding Unit award for "exceptionally meritorious service in support of military operations" from1 May 1964 to 16 Jul 1965.
  • 1 Jul - 31 Dec 1966 Flew 3,711 combat sorties. Squadron aircraft were hit by ground fire 20 times, and 2 planes were lost as a result. Many personnel rotated and were replaced by new people who had little experience with F-100s. Heavy rains of the monsoon season caused low ceilings and poor visibility. During part of July and August, and again in October, some F-100s operated out of Da Nang AB, RVN
  • 12 Nov 1966 Lt Col R.E. Erickson, Squadron Commander, touched down from a combat mission, establishing a record for F-100 squadrons in Southeast Asia: 7,000 sorties and 10,000 flying hours in one year of combat.
  • 8 Dec 1966 Capt. Michael L. Hyde was killed in action southeast of Can Tho while making a napalm pass. His F-100 was shot down by ground fire; Hyde was apparently hit while in the cockpit and crashed without trying to eject
  • 1 Jan - 30 Jun 1967 Flew 3,614 combat sorties. Aircraft were hit 29 times by ground fire, causing the loss of 2 planes and 1 pilot. Several squadron personnel took tours as forward Air Controllers
  • 12 Feb 1967 1Lt Peter J. Yeingst was killed when he was shot down by enemy ground fire on his third pass over a target southeast of Bien Hoa
  • 1 Jul - 31 Dec 1967 Flew 3,339 combat sorties. Squadron planes were hit by ground fire 24 times, and 3 aircraft were lost. One pilot was killed as a result
  • 19 Sep 1967 A plane of another unit exploded over Bien Hoa AB. Fragments hit and instantly killed A1C Victor M. Negron, a clerk of the 510th TFS
  • 5 Nov 1967 Bien Hoa AB was attacked by a small hostile force which launched 15 rounds of 60mm mortars, resulting in only light damage
  • 19 Nov 1967 Capt Duncan P. Smyly was unable to eject, and was killed, when his F-100 was shot down by enemy ground fire
  • 26 Oct 1968 A metal shelter covering a 510th reventment took a direct hit from a 107mm rocket
  • 1 Nov 1968 Major Arthur E. Huhn replaced Major Harrell M. Moore as Operations Officer.
  • 23 Nov 1968 The 510th had an open ranks inspection conducted by Col Homer Y. Hansen, 3rd Tac Ftr Wing Commander. Col Hansen commended on the 510th TFS's high morale and excellent military bearing. It was followed by an awards ceremony
  • 10 Dec 1968 The 510th went to six store configuration which surprised many a FAC
  • 28 Dec 1968 Major Buddy E. Dees lost the leading edge of the wing on his last bomb pass
  • 31 Dec 1968  This day, the 510th finished one year of accident free flying
  • 16 Jan 1969 Major General James Stewart, Ret., and his wife, Gloria visited the 510th TFS
  • 21 Jan 1969 The 510th TFS completed a 42 day period of six store configuration. Tanks were reinstalled
  • 31 Jan 1969 The 510th TFS recommended for an flying safety award for the period 1 January 1967 to 31 December 1968
  • 1 Feb 1969 Major David P. Proctor, Jr. assumed command of the 510th from Lt Col Robert h. McIntosh
  • 23 Feb 1969 Bien Hoa Air Base under rocket and mortar attack for a total of 106 hits. The 510th TFS was spared casualties and equipment damage
  • 1 Mar 1969 Major David P. Proctor, Jr. was promoted to Lt Colonel
  • 1991 510th Participates in Operation DESERT STORM
  • 1991 510th participates in Operation PROVIDE COMFORT
  • 12 Apr 1993 - 27 Feb 1994 510th participates in Operation DENY FLIGHT flying over 1,700 sorties in the A-10 while deployed to Aviano AB, Italy
  • 27 Feb 1994 512th Fighter Squadron redesignated to 510th Fighter Squadron
  • 4 Aug 1994 510th Fighter Squadron is Reactivated at Aviano AB, Italy with F-16C/D
  • 28 Sep 1994 - 20 Dec 1995 Lt Col Gary "Gumby" West, Squadron Commander, flies maiden flight during the F-16 Squadron's Operation DENY FLIGHT rotation
  • Dec 1994 Squadron achieves full Precision Guided Munitions capability
  • 29 Aug - 20 Sep 1995 510th participates in Operation DELIBERATE FORCE flying 209 combat sorties for 657 flying hours, delivering 214 tons of PGM
  • Dec 1995 510th participates in Operation DECISIVE EDGE flying 502 sorties for 1254.3 flying hours
  • 21 Dec 1996 - Present 510th participates in Operation DELIBERATE GUARD
  • Apr 1997 510th participates in Operation SILVERWAKE flying 60 sorties. Intercepted MiG-17 and 3 Super Glebes. The only USAF Fighter Squadron to participate in NEO of Albania
  • Jun 1998 510th led Operation DETERMINED FALCON. Planned, led and supported the 13 nation, 82 aircraft force demonstration over Albania and Macedonia. Simultaneously supported Operation DELIBERATE GUARD mission 
  • 24 Mar - 10 Jun 99 510th participates in Operation ALLIED FORCE flying 1327 sorties hitting 161 fixed targets, 32 tanks, 56 APCs and other vehicles, 23 artillery and AAA pieces, 18 aircraft, and 25 cows
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